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know more about blood donation and know how you can help people.

To save human life, only human blood can be used. It has no substitute.
No! You have about 5 litres of blood in your body. You donate only ¼ litre, which is made up by your system within 24 hours to 36 hours in quantity, and in 2-3 weeks in quality. You can return to your job immediately after donation.
You will be asked to donate blood only if you are declared medically fit and between the age of 18-60 years, and not less than 45 kgs in weight.
The blood that you buy comes from professional blood sellers, who are undernourished; may carry a disease, which may be passed on to your patient. Are you willing to risk the lives of your dear ones? Further, it is the exploitation of the poorer section of the society and must be stopped. Hence the Government has banned professional donors.
Any donation is noble, DONATION OF BLOOD IS THE NOBLEST OF ALL, because it saves life.
You can safely donate blood once in three months.
Donation of blood takes only 10-15 minutes. You can donate blood for a patient who is in need at the hospital the patient is admitted in when the patient/relatives contact you if you are enrolled with us.
Regular Blood donors face a reduced risk of heart problems. A Little concern and a unit of blood make you a superhero in someone's life.
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